Today's Shadow of Chernobyl's tenth birthday so I'd like to thank all those involved in it's creation for the wonderous journey they've given us and the support they've given the modding community that has allowed us to keep the Zone as exciting today as it was all those years ago. I'd also like to thank the modders who I won't name as they are numerous and I fear I'd miss many, They've done things with the Zone that us mere mortals could only dream of doing, making the zone deadlier and often unrecognisable to the original vision. Thankyou. It's been a hell of a ride.
Today's Shadow of Chernobyl's tenth birthday so I'd like to thank all those involved in it's creation for the wonderous journey they've given us and the support they've given the modding community that has allowed us to keep the Zone as exciting today as it was all those years ago. I'd also like to thank the modders who I won't name as they are numerous and I fear I'd miss many, They've done things with the Zone that us mere mortals could only dream of doing, making the zone deadlier and often unrecognisable to the original vision. Thankyou. It's been a hell of a ride.